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Birthdays & Anniversaries, Eulogies (2 Records)
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Birthdays & Anniversaries, Eulogies
  Current class of 1960 for encouraging classmates to encourage reunion participation #EZ.60946 Exp 09-26
Price:  $0.02 / My two cents worth, reward

If you seek a way to encourage your classmates to participate, invite each one
on a regular basis through the entire years. And it won't cost a dime for postage,
printing or other expense if you spend less than an hour to set it up and e-mail
it to each one. You may even use it for special news for the class when someone
does something of interest or even when sad news for health issues or deaths.

Sep 3 -- Sep 3, 2024

Regarding message
To: Name deleted for privacy

It does, Don, certainly make a difference. 
’58 does it regularly in the older group; several do it in the more recent classes. 
They are largely among our most successful classes in terms of reunion
participation, steady annual giving, sending their children to

    Creative Thinking, Inc. 360/774-1690
        160 W Carmel Dr., Carmel, IN 46032
            Website:  www.ezclassifiedz.com/classifieds/classified.php?pid=0&cid=44
            Contact:  Don Nixon   Email:  DonNixon5683@gmail.com  
Membership allows sending an unlimited number of the classiest ecards in the world to your friends, family, baby showers... #EZ.61166 Exp 01-23
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