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Business opportunities, Franchises, Investments, Licenses
A: The Pickleball Gazette (Five) #EZ.60948 Exp 10-30
Price:  $0.02 / My two cents worth

Simple test to see where this item sorts as we are building The Pickleball Gazette

At this point there are only 3 listings and the last is at an old sight that I have no access. to at the moment so disregard it. The only value of it now, note the small character of a tv which identifies there is a video link attacheed. And that is why the number of listings t the top of the page is "4" and that is the one I can not change or delete.

Note: Do not pay much attention to anything now posted...we are trying to make it so all make sense, and doing it with the "tool" is is very slow progress...but when we get going, make sure you are on the band wagon. Won't cost anything but time and incredible rewards for achievement.

I do believe "AI" is correct, it is afticifical because it is only data, but thinking about the data, you can make intelligent whatever you can conger up.

Sep 12, 2024. Note: Under construction and there may be errors. Feel free to notify Don Nixon

    Creative Thinking, Inc. 360/774-1690
        Port Townsend WA 98368
            Contact:  Don Nixon II (Can not hold a candle to my Grand Father)   Email:  DonNixon5683@gmail.com  
AA: The Pickleball Gazette (Five) #EZ.60949 Exp 10-12
Another test. It worked.  I hoped would be first on the list and it IS NOT.

Note: dmn is me

and Creative Thinking began in 1972 and is still working...on the band wagon, it's a lot of fun...you will see.

The target is: The Pickleball Gazette and currently I am hoping the "FIVE" will be victorious.

    Creative Thinking, Inc.
B: The Pickleball Gazette (Five) #EZ.60950 Exp 10-12
Note: To help understand how it works, all listings are set up for listings position. Current listings will begin with:

B: The Pickleball Gazette (Five)

It should be self evident now following.

    Creative Thinking, Inc.
The Pickleball Gazette (Five) #EZ.60947 Exp 10-12
Hold on, up we go Price:  $0.02 / My two cents worth, reward upcoming, join the rocket launch and beyond

See what can be done...watch closely...and pay no attention for anything else than the other listing in this category and updates will be done upcoming...dmn

    Creative Thinking, Inc. 360/777-1690
        490 35th Street, Port Townsend WA 98368
            Website:  thepickleballgazette.com
            Contact:  Don Nixon   Email:  DonNixon5683@gmail.com